Here’s a question I’m always asked, “Why do we always say that time is money?” There’s an answer to this, and I’m going to share it with you. In order to understand why we always say that time is money, you have to understand what the definition of money is in our society. Money is what people want to buy. When they can’t buy what they want, they start to look for someone who can give it to them.

Everyone needs to have things. We need food, clothing, shelter, and transportation to get from A to B. The problem is when all of these things are available at the same price, people don’t have enough money to buy the things they really want. So they begin to hunt for someone to give them what they want at a price they can afford. This person then becomes their employer or partners with them in any business endeavor.

In order for this to work out right, we need to give everyone the opportunity to buy the things they want. If everyone can do this, there will be no competition, and prices will be fair for all. Since everyone is so busy trying to find time to do all of the above, we end up with too many rich people who are not sharing in the wealth creation. This is why time is money.

Some may say, time is money because of scarcity. If everyone has a lot of time, no one has to work, and everyone can have whatever they want. This is the definition of capitalism. Now, I can go on for hours about all the other reasons we use time, and the importance of money in general, but you get the point.

There are plenty more theories out there, but I am tired of repeating myself. The fact of the matter is that you must give something of value away in order for time to be money. So, what is this thing we all hear about the time being? Time. It is nothing more than a definition that we all use to define our own perception of time. We see time differently depending on our personal perspective.

For example, if you are living under a rock, and can not see the ocean beneath your feet, then time is nothing more than an abstract concept. You cannot measure time and therefore cannot live your life according to time. In order for time to become money, it has to be translated into a physical form. This is what we do every single day, every day.

It is time to take action and translate time from an abstract place in our mind and translate it into concrete reality. Time will mean money for all of us, because, without action, there is no exchange. It does not matter if you know nothing about how the markets work, because you can still trade them according to your needs and wants.

If you want to make a million dollars, go out and start investing. You have the resources to do it right now because you are living with nothing but time. You need to invest in your future, and make a million dollars while you are sleeping. Time will eventually become a commodity like anything else. You will have to exchange time for everything else.

So, why do we use time as if it were “something” worth trading away? Because time equals everything else. It is the one thing that makes the world go around. It is the foundation on which everything happens, and without time everything just remains stationary.

Think about it, when you were a kid, and everything that you wanted was a coin. It represented a change, and time, and effort. But now, when you want to have anything, for example, a new car, you just think about getting it, and immediately it loses all value. Because time equals everything, if you do not have time, then you will never get that new toy for yourself. This is why time is considered “valuable”.

Why do we think that time is valuable? Because we are humans, and that is the only thing that we know in this world. Other than that, everything that we know in life, including time. Everything that is valuable to us, and that is of worth to us, time is the thing that represents it. If we think that time is valuable, we can do many things with it. We can help our kids out with school work, we can prepare for the future, we can build a stronger relationship, etc.