Why do we become addicted to something? If it wasn’t for that thing, why would we do it? What’s the reason? How come it became a problem? We need to examine why we are addicted to something and how we can break out of the cycle.

Why do we get addicted to things? Basically, we do it because we enjoy the feelings it brings. Whether it be alcohol, drugs, gambling, or work, we have found a way to be able to experience the feeling without actually having the substance. This is what addiction does. It breaks us down to the point where we are nothing but driven by our emotions and needs.

So how do we break this vicious cycle? By understanding what drives us, we can better control ourselves and get rid of the need for that particular thing. For example, many people get into trouble with smoking due to social pressures. They become obsessed with getting a “cooler” one and start smoking right before going on a date or during an interview.

When this happens, we know we have to do something to break the pattern. The best method is usually self-control and getting away from the situation for a few hours. Many people then realize that they need to stop doing that to get a better one. The key to breaking the addiction is not to give in or turn our backs on others. It is simply a matter of changing one of our habits.

The first habit we need to change is our diet. If we aren’t eating healthy, we will obviously gain weight, which can directly lead us into another addiction. If we aren’t moving around a lot, then that also will cause us to be out of breath and lose energy quickly. This means we run the risk of not being able to get things done as well.

One way to break this cycle is to increase the amount of exercise we get each day. We need to get moving and burn some extra calories. We also need to get our blood sugar in check and consuming more fruits and vegetables helps greatly.

Another habit to break is to give up bad habits. People often find themselves becoming stressed out over trivial issues, which causes us to add stress hormones like adrenaline. If we find ourselves getting tense over trivial things, then we need to find something that causes us less stress. Sometimes this comes in the form of laughter. Find something enjoyable that brings us a bit of relief.

Lastly, we need to be positive. If we keep telling ourselves we are not good enough or bad people, then we will continue to add on this pressure. By constantly dwelling on these negative thoughts and feelings, we will get nowhere fast. If we can change this thinking pattern, we can fix the problem and stop our addiction to something.

The best advice for someone struggling with an addiction is to take it one day at a time. If we cannot handle a particular task, then we just stop doing it. This might mean taking a break from the task altogether. We often try something and then find we have an even harder addiction to the task at hand.

In our efforts to break our addiction, we can also try one step at a time. We are unlikely to be able to break one addiction at a time. One good thing to keep in mind is that if we do not succeed in one area, we start concentrating on another area that may be easier to conquer. This approach might help us to avoid succumbing to the temptation to fall back into the same pattern.

No matter what your addiction is, you can stop it by identifying it and breaking it. Identifying an addiction means that you are equipped with the tools necessary to beat it. We are not saying that one addiction is better than another. Each addiction requires a different type of treatment. We all need help to get over our addictions.

In order to get the help we need to overcome our addiction, we need to make a decision. Do we want to continue living our addictive behaviors or do we want to get rid of them? Sometimes it is easier to just give up. However, there is no reason for us to continue if we are not getting the satisfaction we need. Breaking an addiction is hard work but it can be done.

Featured photo credit – pexels