Why do you feel emotionally overloaded at times? That is one of the questions that should have an easy answer. What happens if someone tells us how much they hate something or how often they wish they could just get rid of something? Do you know what will happen to us when we respond in the same way? Of course not.

But what does happen sometimes is that our emotional response, which is primarily the way that we “feel” things, is triggered by negative events in our life such as the death of someone who we love, a divorce, getting a bad grade, job stress, and even certain people in our life who may not be very nice to us. When this happens we can feel hurt and angry and that can usually be handled on one hand until we calm down. Then the problem occurs again. How can we regain control over our emotions and feel better again?

Well, the first thing that needs to happen is that we need to slow down and listen to ourselves. Sometimes we try to rush things which just causes more emotional energy to be released and the cycle continues until we are so emotionally overwhelmed that we start saying things we don’t really mean. If we continue to release this emotional energy then eventually it builds up and can cause physical problems. This usually happens when someone leaves or when we try to do something too fast, which doesn’t allow us time to think it through fully. When this happens we feel like crying, have anger issues, and can behave as though we don’t care.

When we feel like crying we should try to stay calm. If we keep on crying we will only feel worse and angrier. This is the last thing that anyone wants to do. We need to learn how to control our emotions and not let them rule our life. Learning how to calm our emotions is not difficult but it will take some practice.

When we feel like running away from reality then it’s because we have lost control over our emotional energy. We try to fight our feelings and push them out of us but then we feel like we can’t handle them anymore. Once this happens then we start to yell and scream and do anything that will get us away from this emotional overload. It all seems like no good at the time but it soon becomes a habit and we can’t seem to get away from it.

Sometimes we can’t seem to shut our minds off to certain things. We might have a friend that makes us feel bad about ourselves for doing something that they might have criticized us about. It’s hard not to let yourself feel bad sometimes especially if there are people that you know to judge you. It’s similar to how you feel about yourself when you are criticized by your boss and other co-workers. You might be mad or feel that you deserve it but it can’t stop you from doing the things that you need to do.

Sometimes we also feel angry or depressed. We might feel like everything is our fault and that no one understands us. The truth is that sometimes you might have done something wrong but you shouldn’t blame the rest of the world either. Everyone deserves a second and third chance. If you have worked hard for your position at work or your family, don’t feel bad about putting them through all the stress and make them feel bad too. You might feel sorry for yourself later but then it won’t change anything.

It’s hard to believe that we have so many emotions and thoughts that run through us all the time. We might feel like acting on impulse sometimes. We might act on impulse and make some bad decisions. We have to learn to control ourselves and not let these things destroy our lives.

Featured photo credit – pexels