Every morning we are given another opportunity to humble ourselves. At the beginning of our day, we start by starting where we are. If you are afraid to admit you made a mistake, then you haven’t started yet! Start where you are, admit you screwed up, say the words aloud, and move toward your goal.

To admit you screwed up, you need to see the situation from the other person’s perspective. You can’t get around the fact that you screwed up by blaming someone else. How can you blame someone else when you yourself are at fault? Look within and find the cause of your problem.

Forgiving your mistakes, moving on, forgiving others-these are all tools that help you gain humility. Getting rid of the fear of making a mistake is an important part of moving forward. But these three alone will not get you past the fear.

You have to be willing to face your mistake and be humble enough to admit it. It takes courage. Be courageous. Be honest.

It’s difficult because we are not immune from making mistakes. We are all human. That is why the Bible says, “Forgetting who you are will expose you to sin.” It’s simply embarrassing to admit you made a mistake and leaving yourself exposed to sin.

The solution to this problem is to focus on the blunders you have made. Think about them. Write them down. Focus on your humility and the ability to admit your mistakes.

You can’t avoid making mistakes. You will. And you will make lots of mistakes. But if you’re going to avoid mistakes, avoid the fear of making a mistake. The fear of making a mistake is what causes people to delay admitting their mistakes. The ability to admit your mistakes is the key to moving forward.

When you admit your mistakes, you’re taking the fear of making a mistake away with it. Instead, you take courage and confidence in knowing you took the appropriate actions. With courage and confidence, you can look at your mistakes objectively instead of allowing them to control and influence your actions. Taking responsibility for your actions removes fear. It removes the fear of making a mistake.

When you make mistakes and you admit them, you have taken ownership of them. You have acknowledged that they belong to you. Your pride takes a back seat. Your humility enables you to fix your mistakes and continue with your life.

Taking ownership of your mistake allows you to take control of your life. You are no longer embarrassed by your mistake and life is once again flowing smoothly. With the ability to deal with your mistake you can move on with pride and confidence. The humility that comes with owning a mistake makes you strong enough to face your next challenge.

If you’re not proud of your mistake, you will never feel worthy of taking ownership of yours. People that aren’t proud of their mistakes lack the self-confidence to seek out and accept help. They fear that they have committed a grave mistake and they’re afraid that others will find out about it. With the humility, you display when admitting a mistake you have taken a huge step towards becoming a better person.

In conclusion, everyone makes mistakes, and owning up to them is an important component of growth. There is nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to owning your mistakes. What is important is learning from your mistakes. This will enable you to become the person you are capable of being. Remember that your journey cannot be successful without humility. Go ahead and admit your mistakes today!

Featured photo credit – pexels