When you are working in a huge company, who do you turn to? The managers? The bosses? The public relations people? The psychologists or the team leaders?

All of these people have their own distinct way of looking at the problem. You can ask them all the same questions and they will all have different answers. Why is it important to see the problem from a different perspective? Because if you change your perspective, you can then change your actions. If you want to see the problem from another perspective, you can change the way you look at the situation.

Take a for instance. If you are a salesperson, what do you do when someone gives you bad feedback? Do you ignore it? Do you try to change the customer so that he/she feels better about the company? Or do you just leave it alone? Is it possible that you are actually ignoring the problem because you have a different perspective on the situation than the one you have chosen for yourself?

So, when you are asking yourself, why is it important to see the problem from a different perspective, you need to be asking yourself the same question. What is the problem with my perspective on the situation? Am I ignoring the real problem? Or am I just ignoring the symptoms?

When you are thinking about the question, “Why is it important to see the problem from a different perspective?” remember that you have the power to change the way you are thinking about your problems.

It does not mean that you have to change everything all at once, but you can start small and work your way up to a more advanced level of problem solving. The way I think of it is this: if you want to climb a mountain, start out with a step. Then, when you have mastered the skills needed to scale that mountain, you can move on to something a little more difficult.

As an example, many times people come to me with a problem related to a symptom or a side effect of their health condition. They already know that they have pain or discomfort, but they don’t really know why. They ask me what I think might be the problem. And, since I spend so much time working with my clients and helping them to understand and deal with their pain and discomfort, I can usually help them answer these questions.

Once they have taken that step, it is much easier for them to accept the reality of their condition and to work through it in a constructive way.

So, when I hear someone tell me, “Seeing the problem from a different perspective is important,” I really get agitated and bothered. But, I remind them that they are probably doing this because they have spent a lifetime spending their time wallowing in self-pity and feeling helpless. They are just like every other person who has come to this earth and hopefully they will have a life worth living where they can feel happy and positive about something.

After saying that, there really is no need to bring up the “big picture.” All you need to do is take action, and I am sure that they are more than happy to help you in that aspect. Just keep in mind that perspective is important because if you don’t have a clear picture of what is going on, you are prone to making wrong assumptions.

You may end up assuming that the problem will never go away, or that it is impossible to make changes. Both of these assumptions could not be further from the truth. In reality, it’s as easy as changing your perspective about a certain situation to make positive changes in your life.

Featured photo credit – pexels