If you’re like most people, it can be difficult knowing how to motivate yourself to study when you’re too busy with work. There are of course some easy tricks that can help you to avoid procrastination and stay focused. For instance, don’t leave your computer or cell phone on throughout the day. Make a real effort to answer your phone when it rings instead of just checking Facebook. And if you’re using a school computer, make an effort to bring it into class so that you can use the Internet instead of the computer.

Another trick is to plan your study time before class. You can do this by marking up when you have free time so you will know exactly what you need to study so you can complete it by the end of the day. Once you know exactly what you need to study, pick a date to begin. That way, you’ll have a clear start time that will motivate you to study.

Of course, when you are trying to motivate yourself to study, you should remember that the rewards are much greater than the pains. In other words, you have nothing to lose by trying to get better at studying. You might even discover that your grades slip a little bit in the beginning but stick with it. Eventually, you’ll see results that impress even yourself.

If you need some extra help to motivate yourself to study, consider asking a friend to help you out. Or even look for a community college advisor, who may be able to motivate you in a peer way. You can also try to find some books about motivation and find out how to read effectively. The key is to find a method that works for you. If you don’t have any friends or family around, you can look for books in bookstores, libraries, or online.

Try keeping a logbook of the things you do and the progress you make on a daily basis. When you record your progress in a journal, you can look back on it later to see if there was anything that could have been done differently. Also, this will help you see where your weak points lie and what you need to work on more specifically. When you’re studying, try to keep to a schedule. Don’t be too rigid and set yourself up for failure by being too disciplined.

Consider taking breaks when you aren’t feeling very motivated. It’s difficult to motivate yourself to study when you’re not even sure if you’ll be able to complete the assignment the next day. Taking a break from the coursework is a good idea so that you can come back refreshed and ready to begin again. You can even look forward to the challenge of learning something new.

Consider getting some outside help. Your classmates, friends, and teachers may be able to offer some insight as to how to motivate yourself to study when you’re feeling discouraged. It’s never easy to make a group of people work towards the same goals, especially if they’re all a little different. Find a common cause and talk with them about how you’re feeling and what needs to be worked on.

Try reading something other than your textbook each night. This will allow you to stretch your mind and get more sleep at night. If you study during the middle of the night, chances are that you won’t be sleeping as well as you should be. Reading outside of the library is also a good idea. You can sit outside and enjoy the fresh air and night sky while you read your book.