Wondering how to stop worrying whether people like you or not? You’re not alone. Most people experience the same dilemma. We all want to be liked, but there comes a time when we wonder if other people really do like us. If you’re able to separate yourself from your negative perception of others, you’ll find yourself appreciating and enjoying friendships with more ease than ever before.

How to stop thinking about people like you or not? First, you need to develop an appreciation for what others have to say about you. Find out what they think about you. Listen to what they have to say; it will help you determine whether you’re on the right path. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that being around positive people and their thoughts will make you feel good.

The most important thing you can do is be realistic with yourself. You know yourself better than anyone. You know your flaws, strengths, hopes, fears, achievements, weaknesses, talents, character, etc. Now, learn to appreciate all that you’re uniquely capable of. It’s okay to be imperfect, but when you recognize and appreciate all of the good things about who you are, you’ll be much happier and healthier.

It’s amazing how people with poor self-esteem often worry that others don’t like them. They think that they’re unlovable. They think that they aren’t good enough, smart enough, nice enough, smart enough, attractive enough, interesting enough, and so forth. The bottom line is, they don’t take the time to think seriously about how they look or who they are.

This is the very first step to stopping yourself from continually wondering “how to stop worrying about whether people like you”. Don’t focus on what other people think of you. Just think about how you’d feel if people thought highly of you.

What about other people’s feelings towards you? How nice would it be to have their approval? How wonderful would it feel if people said nice things about you? You might feel a little silly doing this but think about the reaction of others when they notice how you respond to them. They will be pleased that you value their opinions.

In addition, once you learn to see the good in everything, you’ll begin to see the bad in just a different way. When you do this, you can begin to see the truth in what others tell you, including the truth about yourself. If someone tells you that you’re worthless, you might feel useless.

However, if you start to see that it was your life that was worthless, and you found out how valuable that part of yourself was, then you might change your view of that person. People like you who are willing to stop worrying about whether people like you are admirable individuals.

The most important thing about learning how to stop worrying about whether people like you is that you don’t do it anymore. Stop doing the things that make you anxious and force yourself to do the right thing.

When you do something well or even worse, it will only strengthen your resolve. The fear that you feel when thinking about whether people like you are real, but it’s not. It doesn’t affect you unless you allow it to.

Another thing is that you are to stop trying so hard. People want you to succeed, and if you’re always worrying about whether you’re doing a good job, they’ll think that you’re not working at all. This is why you shouldn’t push yourself as hard as you might otherwise. Give yourself time to make your mark on the world.

One more point to remember is that you shouldn’t worry about what other people think. Just because someone else is negative towards you doesn’t mean that you have to let it affect your life.

You are unique and you deserve to be treated with respect, even if other people don’t like what you do. You can be the best person in the world, and if you do everything the way you’re supposed to, no one will ever be able to change that.

Finally, Stop trying so hard and don’t worry about what other people think. They may just be jealous that you have reached a high level of success without them. Don’t listen to them. Focus on what you want to do and go for it. You’ll find that you’ll become happier in the process.

Featured photo credit – pexels